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Football Fundamentals / The Raiders and the Zone Blitz
Last post by Randy - June 02, 2012, 05:37:31 PM
The Raiders and the Zone Blitz (2012 Season)
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Football Fundamentals / 'Inside triangle' key to every...
Last post by Randy - May 29, 2012, 07:07:22 PM
'Inside triangle' key to every team's 1st- and 2nd-down success on D
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Raiders History / Super Bowl II: Green Packers 3...
Last post by Randy - May 28, 2012, 11:01:03 AM
I've noticed that we get a lot of people use the forum as a "guest" and don't log on using a username. There are a lot of advantages to registering and logging on as a registered user. Guests cannot post anything to the forum, they can only read posts from registered users.

To register for a forum account, click the register button, fill out the few lines required, then we will activate your account as soon as we see the activation request. We had to do it this way because there are spammers who continuously try to create accounts so we must screen the registration requests to help prevent spam (people trying to sell stuff on our forum).

If you have any trouble registering, send me an email at

It's easy to register. Just go to our website
then click on the FORUM button in the top right corner, fill out the short registration page. Make sure you fill in your email address because we have to send you an email message to complete the registration. As soon as you click on the email link we'll send you, you are registered and can create your own password.
Sorry guys. I liked the look of that new theme called "Dark Don", and had made it the forum's default theme....but after using it for a couple of days, I decided that it's a little to hard to read the text sometimes. When it's a dark font on a dark background. So I changed the default back to the theme we had before...called "Blackhead".

If you like that new theme and want to use it, you can switch it yourself by following these instructions:

If you need any help let me know. There are some new themes you can try. Check them out!

P.S.  Juan, I reset yours back to the "Back n Black" theme that you were using before.
I like it.  LOTS of black.  Suits the site well  8)
I actually added 4 new themes. The one that's set as the default is called DARK DON. I like the black and silver colors because they match the Raiders colors pretty well. Another one of the new ones is nice also. It's called ASTONISHED. It has a feature that DARK DON doesn't have that I like......along the top of the home page it has icons for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and RSS. If you switch to that theme you'll be able to link to all 4 of those pages with one click (Raider Greg's Twitter, Raider Greg's Facebook, our RNP YouTube page, and our RNP podcast feed). The one thing I DON'T like about ASTONISHED is that the font for all the forum categories is a violet color. I don't believe violet is associated with the Raiders in any that kind of screws that up. I wish that DARK DON had those icon links as part of its theme. Maybe they'll add it in the future.

We now have 11 themes to choose from. If you don't know how to switch, the instructions are here:

If you want our old default theme back, it is called Blackhead. You'll see it in the list after you get onto the theme settings page.

Let us know what you think about the new default theme. If you have any trouble let me know and I can help you or set your theme up for you. Greg? I'll be expecting your call.  :D