Quote from: LSD on January 11, 2011, 09:32:07 AMThats about it! There is NOTHING we can do about it but.....NOT go to the games.....Well....This season was one of the worst if not the worst in attendance.....If Al cannot restore the confidence in the team the fan base will NOT be coming to Oakland. The Raiders will suffer the wrath of the Raider Nation IN ticket sales. Im not sure Al cares....Its more about him not the team...More about his ability to control everything not winning.
I have followed the Raiders for a long time and all I can say to the world is......
Just say yes to drugs and smoke dope!
Quote from: Hellbilly on December 14, 2010, 04:22:53 PMWelcome to the freak show.........................................................this is site is full of a sorted cast of characters....and yes horror movies and metal are right up my alley as well....................so welcome to the RNP nation hellbilly!
Whats up Raider Nation !!
Life long raiders fan, I'm from Atlanta, Georgia now living near Dallas, TX. I became a raider fan when I was around 7 or so, my hole family are Falcons fans but I chose the Raiders and I've been hooked ever since. The Raiders killer fans wearing skeleton mask and dressing up drew me in right away, I'm a metal head that loves horror movies so its a perfect fit from the start. I've never been able to make it to a Raiders game but I've all ways wanted to go see one. CHEERS ! \m/ Silver and Black 4 Life \m/
Quote from: Mark - The Small Raider on November 25, 2010, 02:53:51 PMWelcome, its a jungle in here! Some real freaking crazies..............and some real diehards.....and some real opinionated ones as well....................all together we make up the greatest Sports fan forum podcast board ever.....so I say welcome SMALL RAIDER!
Been a fan since 1982 - first year football made the TV over here in the UK. Been a listener for around 2/3 years as Raider Mayek but have now changed my name as whenever I call the Bone Line when drinking, I get called Raider Mac. My fault for not enunciating correctly I suppose - or for having such a stupid name.
So... henceforth I shall be known as Mark - The Small Raider.
Never made it to the Mecca - but Big Dave and Keith the Crusader Raider tell me it is a "must do" experience so as soon as I can afford it - I will be there.
Love the show.
Quote from: RAIDER MIKE on November 10, 2010, 08:07:27 AMQuote from: RAIDERNATIONnATE on November 09, 2010, 11:37:18 PMWELCOME Raider Nate! I like seeing new people join our RNP tree (Forum)! IT's got some of the most die hard fans on the planet here!... So welcome!... I seen you checked out my videos too Thanks for watching!
Whats up RAIDER NATION it's RAIDERNATE AKA RAIDERNATIONNATE from sacramento,ca big fan of the raiders for along time and always will be. ONE OF THE BIGGEST RAIDER FANS IN THE WORLD!!